Julisteet – Vintage: Pienet: A4 (21x30)

Fishing in Finland

Ingrid Bade
Alunperin julkaistu
21 x 30 cm



Suomessa kalat ovat valtavia! Kyllä, kaikki on suurta! Ja parasta!

Ettekö usko? Lukekaa tämä esite vuodelta 1927:

”No other country in the world can provide such opportunitiesfor boating, fishing, bathing and camping. Finland has over thirty-five thousand lakes, and the number of islands is uncountable.

Look at the map. It looks almost as though someone had split the inkbottle over it, leaving scarcely a corner untouched.

The rivers, lakes and rapids abound with fish. The scenery has a charm all its own, which is not to be found in any other part of the world. And the light summer nights … these have to be experienced … one cannot describe them … but they are probably the most wonderful of all Finland’s attractions.”

Tietoa tuotteesta

Juliste pakataan käsin muovitaskuun, tukena on 2 mm:n paksuinen ruskea pahvi. Paperi: Korkealaatuista Munken Lynx Rough 150 g. Paperi täyttää Joutsenmerkille asetetut vaatimukset. Painettu Suomessa.