Järnvägarnas ringresor

Järnvägarnas ringresor

Originally published 1937
Järnvägarnas ringresor

Look closely at the smoke which slowly is coming out of the chimneys in Aukusti Tuhka’s poster (to the right)! The smoke says a lot about how we Finns like it out there at the summer cottage: Neighbours, sure – but not too close!

One cottage per lake would be kind of nice.

The brilliance in the poster is moreover that the train, packed with positive and curious tourists, is also depicted only as a harmonic trail of smoke rising towards the sky.

Check out over 200 classic Finnish travel posters and read more about all the great Finnish poster artists in the digital version of our book ”Come to Finland” (found in three different editions; in English, French and German). After enjoying the posters a while we believe you are ready to order the real thing: the printed coffee table book.