Scenery from Koli

Scenery from Koli

Artist Unknown
Originally published 1950's
Scenery from Koli

Koli on Lake Pielinen is one of Finland’s absolute gems that never goes out of travel fashion. For over a hundred years, tourists have flocked to this national romantic landscape. It’s not surprising. It was here that greats like writer Juhani Aho, artist Eero Järnefelt and composer Jean Sibelius found their inspiration.

In the 1950s, the Finnish Tourist Association wanted to try something new and commissioned a photo poster. With this poster Koli would be promoted to our Nordic neighbours. In 2023 the poster hunters at Come to Finland bought this original print – in Norway. And just like that, the poster is also available for you as a reprint.

Check out over 200 classic Finnish travel posters and read more about all the great Finnish poster artists in the digital version of our book ”Come to Finland” (found in three different editions; in English, French and German). After enjoying the posters a while we believe you are ready to order the real thing: the printed coffee table book.