Morning Coffee by Sabine Stromer

Morning Coffee by Sabine Stromer

Originally published 2022
Morning Coffee by Sabine Stromer

FINALIST in the My Norden Poster poster contest 2022!

In the words of the artist:

The main inspiration behind my poster were my journeys in the North. I had the privilege to travel to some Nordic countries and sometimes the most memorable moments are not the action packed adventures, but the small, quiet moments, like sharing a nice cup of coffee while watching the sunrise from the back of your van.

Surely travel posters can’t simply remain a cry from the past?

Absolutely not. We live in a completely visual world where the picture is stronger than ever. That’s why the following question hit us: How would contemporary artists depict the Nordics of today?

We could not let that thought go! So in 2022 we arranged the international travel poster contest My Norden Poster.

So now the Nordics – Norden – once again attracts travellers with glamour and cries of joy from paradise. With the help of the travel poster!

Check out over 200 classic Finnish travel posters and read more about all the great Finnish poster artists in the digital version of our book ”Come to Finland” (found in three different editions; in English, French and German). After enjoying the posters a while we believe you are ready to order the real thing: the printed coffee table book.