The Ghost Lady

The Ghost Lady

Originally published 1936
The Ghost Lady

In the 1930s Finland started to realize what the tourists really wanted. They wanted something truly exotic: They wanted peace and nature.

One of the people who actively contributed to spreading the message about Finland being a nature paradise was the Swedish graphic designer and artist Ingrid Högström-Bade (1908–1989).

This poster were originally commissioned by the tourism promotion organisation Suomen-Matkat / Finlandsresor in co-operation with the Finnish State Railways. It was printed at the famous Finnish printing house Tilgmann. There’s actually also a boy version of this poster in the same style and color, but we’ve never managed to find an original. The hunt continues!

Check out over 200 classic Finnish travel posters and read more about all the great Finnish poster artists in the digital version of our book ”Come to Finland” (found in three different editions; in English, French and German). After enjoying the posters a while we believe you are ready to order the real thing: the printed coffee table book.