March 22, 2023 9:59 am
Published by magnuslonden
In the words of the artist: This illustration was born out of my love for ice skating and is a tribute to nordic outdoors culture. There is something magical about being out on a frozen lake on a sunny winter day. I have spent much time in Dalarna and Hälsingland and love the mountainous landscape […]
March 10, 2022 7:34 pm
Published by magnuslonden
FINALIST in the My Norden Poster poster contest 2022! In the words of the artist: I wanted the poster to represent things and values that unite the Nordic countries. I chose not to highlight individual sights, because what the Nordic region can offer its visitors, still today, is a unique nature that is always close […]
April 10, 2019 3:08 pm
Published by linnea
December 7, 2018 2:56 pm
Published by juusohuhtamaki
Most of the regions, cities and travel companies in Finland created posters and images of their own, just like the city of Kuopio in the region of Savo has done here. The idea was naturally to lure travels from near and afar to Finland. We continuously seek more information about all images in our product […]
December 7, 2018 2:43 pm
Published by tinovuorela
This poster is one of the creations of Raimo Raimela and Osmo K. Oksasen. It was made for the Finnish State Railways in 1958, when these two advertising artists shared a studio in Helsinki.
December 7, 2018 2:40 pm
Published by tinovuorela
Most of the regions, cities and travel companies in Finland created posters and images of their own, just like wild and exotic Lapland. The idea was naturally to lure travels from near and afar to Finland. We continuously seek more information about all images in our product range, so please write us if you think […]
December 7, 2018 2:11 pm
Published by juusohuhtamaki
Forget about the summer, it’s still the winter which is Finland’s trump card. Apart from ski competitions in for example Lahtis and Kuopio it was mainly the State Railways that promoted the Finnish winter, with new travel posters every season. The tourists were to make no mistake: if they were going to Lapland they were […]
December 7, 2018 1:00 pm
Published by tinovuorela
And now a nostalgic tear runs down a Finnish cheek. We’re talking of that link to the town, that symbol of national unity, those bright yellow, rather slow, but always reliable and delightfully sociable…post buses. Everything started in Lapland, where the problems of delivering mail were greatest. The Rovaniemi-Sodankylä line started up in 1921, although […]
December 7, 2018 12:49 pm
Published by tinovuorela
And now a nostalgic tear runs down a Finnish cheek. We’re talking of that link to the town, that symbol of national unity, those bright yellow, rather slow, but always reliable and delightfully sociable…post buses. Everything started in Lapland, where the problems of delivering mail were greatest. The Rovaniemi-Sodankylä line started up in 1921, although […]
December 7, 2018 12:24 pm
Published by tinovuorela
And now a nostalgic tear runs down a Finnish cheek. We’re talking of that link to the town, that symbol of national unity, those bright yellow, rather slow, but always reliable and delightfully sociable…post buses. Everything started in Lapland, where the problems of delivering mail were greatest. The Rovaniemi-Sodankylä line started up in 1921, although […]
December 7, 2018 12:19 pm
Published by juusohuhtamaki
This is, to our knowledge, the oldest graphic travel poster published by the Finnish State Railways. It was also published in Finnish. The artist for this artwork is unknown. But we continuously seek more information about all posters and images in our product range, so please write us if you think you know something interesting […]
December 7, 2018 12:15 pm
Published by juusohuhtamaki
This is, to our knowledge (and we do know Finnish travel posters…), the oldest graphic travel poster published by the Finnish State Railways. It was also published in Swedish. The artist for this artwork is unknown. But we continuously seek more information about all posters and images in our product range, so please write us […]
December 7, 2018 11:47 am
Published by juusohuhtamaki
Inspired by the traditional clothing of the inuits the anorak (parka) also reached Finland. That’s when the skiing boy on the poster put it on – and soon the anorak became a favorite also for longtime Finnish president Urho Kekkonen. And now the anorak-boy can style up your home!
December 7, 2018 11:39 am
Published by juusohuhtamaki
For all we know this must be the first poster marketing the Finnish winter and Lapland after the war. During the 1930´s the local and national Tourist Associations worked hard to promote Rovaniemi and Finnish Lapland as an exotic destination for the adventureous traveller. Small hotels were built, among others the proud ”Fell-hotel” at Pallas. […]
December 4, 2018 10:52 am
Published by juusohuhtamaki
Sigh… What if one could fly back in time, put on those skies with a bunch of friends and catch the sun on Pyhätunturi – belonging to the southernmost fell range in Finland. But you can! The fells are still there, the sun is still there, so just do it! The national park of Pyhätunturi […]
December 4, 2018 10:27 am
Published by juusohuhtamaki
What was new to the poster art of the 1950’s was the happy mood – a clear counter reaction to the war and the years of hardship during the end of the 1940’s … Finally they even took their kids with them! We love this poster since this is among the very first Finnish travel […]
December 4, 2018 10:01 am
Published by juusohuhtamaki
In this poster the glorious (international) travelers are just arriving to the hotel at Pallastunturi. Strangely enough the poster doesn’t reveal that they still have an hour or so in the bus before they reach the hotel. Well, what the heck, that’s only a detail… What was new to the poster art of the 1950’s […]
December 4, 2018 9:33 am
Published by juusohuhtamaki
In this poster the glorious (international) travelers are just arriving to the hotel at Pallastunturi. Strangely enough the poster doesn’t reveal that they still have an hour or so in the bus before they reach the hotel. Well, what the heck, that’s only a detail… What was new to the poster art of the 1950’s […]
December 3, 2018 3:47 pm
Published by juusohuhtamaki
Forget about the summer, it’s still the winter which is Finland’s trump card. Apart from ski competitions in for example Lahti and Kuopio it was mainly the State Railways that promoted the Finnish winter, with new travel posters every season. The tourists were to make no mistake: if they were going to Lapland they were […]
December 3, 2018 10:34 am
Published by tinovuorela
Surely travel posters can’t simply remain a cry from the past? Absolutely not. We live in a completely visual world where the picture is stronger than ever. That’s why the following question hit us: How would contemporary artists depict Finland of today? We could not let that thought go, so since 2016 we continuously arrange […]