
Scenery from Koli

June 20, 2023 4:59 pm Published by

Koli on Lake Pielinen is one of Finland’s absolute gems that never goes out of travel fashion. For over a hundred years, tourists have flocked to this national romantic landscape. It’s not surprising. It was here that greats like writer Juhani Aho, artist Eero Järnefelt and composer Jean Sibelius found their inspiration. In the 1950s, […]

Norvège by Schenk

January 11, 2023 5:16 pm Published by

In this French-language poster for Norway, the (unknown) artist with the signature ”Schenk” has used the sky to illustrate the smallness of the tourist and woman & man. Thru the poster we reverently admire the mighty mountain world. The slogan in the poster reinforces the message: Norway is a true natural wonder!

Morning Coffee by Sabine Stromer

March 10, 2022 7:34 pm Published by

FINALIST in the My Norden Poster poster contest 2022! In the words of the artist: The main inspiration behind my poster were my journeys in the North. I had the privilege to travel to some Nordic countries and sometimes the most memorable moments are not the action packed adventures, but the small, quiet moments, like […]

Cloudberries by the River by Lily Liljefors

March 10, 2022 7:34 pm Published by

Runner-up in the My Norden Poster poster contest 2022! In the words of the artist: I find a lot of inspiration from nature. In my poster I decided to portray what I find interesting and unique about the nordic landscape and nature. The mountains, our vegetation, our rivers and the sea. Before globalization the sea […]

Finland for wintersports – In Pink

December 7, 2018 2:40 pm Published by

Most of the regions, cities and travel companies in Finland created posters and images of their own, just like wild and exotic Lapland. The idea was naturally to lure travels from near and afar to Finland. We continuously seek more information about all images in our product range, so please write us if you think […]

Poster of woman standing by the map of Finland

The Maiden of Finland in Koli

December 7, 2018 1:44 pm Published by

The heights of Koli is one of the most classic travel destinations Finland can offer adventurous travelers. Considering that it’s only natural that they wanted to fit both the national romantic Koli AND the Finnish Maiden in the same poster.


December 7, 2018 12:52 pm Published by

Despite sterling contributions from the Finnish commercial graphic artists, there was still a force that grew ever stronger: the colour photograph. Suddenly one could show things ‘exactly’ as they looked in reality! No exaggerations! No room for interpretation! This is what it actually looks like in Finland! Many of the most talented contemporary photographers travelled […]

Winter holiday (Swedish)

December 7, 2018 12:19 pm Published by

This is, to our knowledge, the oldest graphic travel poster published by the Finnish State Railways. It was also published in Finnish. The artist for this artwork is unknown. But we continuously seek more information about all posters and images in our product range, so please write us if you think you know something interesting […]

The Ghost Lady

December 3, 2018 12:06 pm Published by

In the 1930s Finland started to realize what the tourists really wanted. They wanted something truly exotic: They wanted peace and nature. One of the people who actively contributed to spreading the message about Finland being a nature paradise was the Swedish graphic designer and artist Ingrid Högström-Bade (1908–1989). This poster were originally commissioned by […]

Magic of Lapland by Emma Chudoba

December 3, 2018 11:33 am Published by

This is the runner up in the 2018 “My Finland Poster” contest arranged by Come to Finland! The theme of the contest was to capture the region of Finnish Lapland in a travel poster in an appealing, stylish and why not humouristic manner. Here’s the artist Emma Chudoba’s description of her poster: ”When I started […]

Visit Lapland by Väinö Heinonen

December 3, 2018 11:27 am Published by

3rd place, Finnish travel poster of the year, 2018! Surely travel posters can’t simply remain a cry from the past? Absolutely not. We live in a completely visual world where the picture is stronger than ever. That’s why the following question hit us: How would contemporary artists depict Finland of today? We could not let […]

Lapland Reindeer by Jenni Hänninen

November 30, 2018 3:18 pm Published by

Finalist in the MyFinlandPoster contest 2018! The artist presents her art work: Through my Lapland-themed poster I wanted to illustrate how the rough beauty of Lapland catches you and you can feel strong and free. Mystical northern lights, moonlight shimmering on a snowbed and the ecstasy of a reindeer ride take you to a fairytale-like world. I […]